To Here Knows When

Big week for the fellowship of Henrys:
- Justin Henry turned pro and Quasi dropped GRAND PRAIRIE out of the blue, with full parts from Justin, Dane Barker, Dick Rizzo, and some (but never enough) Jake Johnson footage. I hope they let Justin keep the billboard.
- Dustin Henry reminds us all of why we fell for him in Alltimers’ ET&DUSTIN, featuring some of his best footage yet (and heavy Dece Vid vibes with Rob Harris editing).
A quickie from Parade World and Pep Kim on some of the latter’s favorite haunts in NYC, what keeps him in the city, and his favorite Chrystie pieces.
Springboarding off the theme of “favorites,” we have Eniz Fazliov’s full part for My Favorite Things, his local skateshop. Not sure how many parts he’s put out in his career, but he has to be in the running for most productive pro.
For years, the masses have wondered, “what’s up with Max Palmer? How old is he? Did he really go to Pratt?” Heckride investigated with a first-of-its-kind interview. (Spoiler: he’s in his early 30s and he went to Pratt on a full ride scholarship.)
Almost let this one pass me by: Down Bad, a video by Harry Bergenfield out of Philadelphia, features a good chunk of Kris Brown footage, some new Jahmir Brown, an amazing part from Brian O’Dwyer, and plenty of good vibes. Angst is out, and good vibes are in.