Street Sweeper

We caught up with Ricky Oyola and original Traffic designer Michael Stein to chat about the new Traffic graphics that pay homage to some of Ricky’s classic decks. We’re super stoked on this piece, and it pairs well with your Saturday morning coffee.
You’ve surely seen parts pop up here and there but Vanish, the latest from Philadelphia’s Zach Sayles, is online in its entirety. Features parts from Neil Herrick, Dylan Pearce, Matt Militano, and many more.
“Yeah, that was another phase I went through: loose trucks and no grip! Let’s make it double-fucked.” Lots of surprising tidbits in Matt Rodriguez’s Chrome Ball Incident interview, from shaped boards to the birth of iPath to Cardiel’s accident. Another bullseye.
Joey Guevara channels classic Habitat vibes in this part for Atlas Skateshop.
The latest Trust Fall b-side has a grip of raw footage and b-sides from one of my favorite Drifters.
There’s something wholly comforting about watching Kalis tre flip while Freddie Foxx plays in the background.
Along with roughly half of professional skateboarding, Polar spent a chunk of summer 2019 Copenhagen. Grey Skate Mag has the pictures. (The other half spent their summers in Washington D.C.)
A quick one from Matlok Bennett-Jones, straight off the Pass~Port video.