If We Wait

Two things I can’t get enough of in skate videos are pros who are given free reign of their home turf, and Guided by Voices.
The free-flowing Shin Sanbongi dropped a part and an interview for Adidas earlier this week. That wallride back smith around the corner taken back into the wall is something else.
“The hustling and the outlaw feeling creates a gang vibe. You want to be associated with it, you want to be a member. You feel like you and your friends have your own turf. You set the rules there, it’s your space – that’s the difference.” Pontus Alv on the DIY movement and the contrast between a handmade spot and a public skatepark.
The Vague Mag boys just uploaded the full length version of the "The Panasonic Youth" video, a crew video out of Sheffield, England by Zach McAdam. It's definitely worth your time, so give 'er a gander.
Nick Jensen opens up about his mental health to the Ben Raemers Foundation.
Max Palmer celebrates the Year of the Rat with a hypnotic video part.
I haven’t watched it so I can’t totally vouch for If You Don’t Skate, Don’t Start, a new one out of Poland, but it’s been a sparse week, so it made the cut.