The Works

Growing increasingly enamored with everything I see out of the Rust Belt. Josh Bos’s latest part is full of spots in dying industrial zones expertly documented on a VX by his brother—a must watch.
Somehow, this slipped past us last week (possibly because it wasn’t related to a spot?): WKND star Trevor Thompson dives into his friendship with Alexis Sablone, his Sir Palmer part, drug addiction, work mishaps, and more, over on Heckride.
“In Tres Trill where Adrien Bulard hands you the sack of bud and then you pay him and back 50-50 the hubba – was that set up or real?” “ Nah, it was 100% real time.”
Paul Young’s “Museum of Sex” is a neat little scene report from the Upper West Side and features enough Bronze56k heads to tide you over until their next video is ready.
Only wishing the best for Fred Gall.
As if his part in Think & Thank wasn’t enough, Herb Brown has a grip of footage in the new DOA promo.
The Village Psychic dudes are hosting a best trick competition at the LIC DIY this Halloween morning. Come through, try a ledge trick, buy a candle, have a great time. More details here.