
First and foremost, have you checked out Jerry Mraz’s interview with Jake Baldini and Matt Andersen about Rust Trap Belt? We’re really psyched on this one.
How Original falls into the category of “stuff you’ve probably already seen, but still worth including a week after the fact.” How does Cyrus stack so much footage?
Sabotage took the crew overseas to Milan and stacked clips at all the surrounding ledge spots and street gaps the city has to offer - and yes, lots of stazione centrale footage. Much love to everyone in Italy right now.
Billy Trick has both a great pro skater name and a brand new part in which he takes an uncommon approach to common spots.
Matt Velez uploaded some raw clips of the Bronze dudes in Japan from last year. Most of this footage ended up in 2020, which is absolutely worth revisiting if you have the time (and you probably will soon).
OVERTIME features the last footage we’ll see of 2019 USOTY runner-up Dom Henry at Fairfields, as well as Keanu Robson, Korahn Gayle, lots of the Blips crew, and more.