Perfect Prescription

Open Container is an excellent full-length VX video filmed in the tri-state area and featuring a gaggle of early-20s guys you see around Brooklyn all the time. If you need a taste to convince you to dive into the full length, watch Neil Herrick’s near-perfect part or Eric Swick’s tasteful selection of manuals.
It feels like Loophole Wheels is rapidly becoming our most featured brand in all the roundups. Set For Life by Logan Matthews is an all-San Francisco edit for the brand and has a great line-up, including a Josh McLaughlin part towards the end.
We’ve been posting all the raw tapes that went into The Fourth Turning, our last video release, on our YouTube channel. Last week was Connor Noll, this week is Nyle Lovett, I’m sure you can guess who next week will be.
Want a little more Connor Noll? Want to support one of the raddest skater-owned shops in the United States? Want to give an independent skateboarding media outlet a few clicks? Knock out all three at once and read Jenkem’s interview with Armin Bachman before watching Orchard’s latest promo, Angel & Star.
Take a few minutes out of your schedule to watch this short video about Brianna Delaney and skateboarding through her gender transition.
Instagram loosies from Jake Johnson and Tom Knox.