Nyle Lovett 'Pyramid Park' Part for Theories

I first met Nyle in February 2021 in Philadelphia. It was our first big trip after the pandemic and we were planning to drive down to Miami for a winter escape. I had never met him before, and Josh (Stewart) told me he was flowing him Theories gear. We invited Nyle on this trip to Miami and I told him everyone else was flying down, but Mark Del Negro and I were renting a car to drive because we were trying to avoid airplanes at that time. I jokingly floated out to Nyle he could fly to Philly and hop in the car with us road trip style, and he said "Dude I am so down for car vibes!" So my first interaction with Nyle was picking him up from the Philadelphia Airport and immediately fleeing a blizzard in the city south on I-95 for a 20 hour car ride to Miami. I assumed this was going to be one of the most awkward car rides of my life, thinking thank god I had Mark with me as a buffer at least.
Photo: Dakota Mullins
Fast forward to September 2022, I am planning a trip to Indianapolis to surprise Nyle in his city with all his friends and family with his Pro board. Not only his first Pro board, but the first pro board Theories has ever offered, solidifying board brand status with Mr Snymer.
Minus Skate Shop, Nyle video Premiere
Within that time of February 2021 to September 2022, Nyle has filmed a part for Theories "Fourth Turning", multiple video parts with his friend and independent video maker, Aaron Christopher, wowed us with his tasteful tech tricks on instagram, and has taken many trips to Philly to stay and film with me. Nyle is one of the most genuine and nicest human beings I have come across, his attitude and demeanor is infectious, and it is safe to say everyone else that meets him would say the same. We are so proud to present Nyle's Pro part debut to everyone.
Pro Daddy, Aaron in the background
Speaking of Aaron, him and Nyle are quite the duo. They skate every day together, film together, film each other, make a million video projects together....so it was special to have Aaron contribute in making Nyle's first Pro graphic. The friendship comes full circle.
Anyways, we're all proud of you Nyle. Everyone enjoy Nyle 'Not Lyle' Lovett's Pro Part.
-Jake Todd