Long Days, Short Nights
Hot off the presses to get you psyched for your (hopefully) long weekend is Jordan Taylor's pro part for WKND. These dudes somehow make street skating in Los Angeles look way cooler than I ever thought possible, not to mention they seem to drop a part every other week.
This Kevin Rodrigues Instagram remix, chock full of circle jammers, early grabs, wallrides, and disco, was actually slated for last week's roundup, but it slipped through the cracks with everything else going on. Who's keeping track, anyways?
Watch Aaron Herrington and Brian Delatorre frolic around Manhattan in a new Monster Children feature. It's obviously too early to tell, but damn, I'd love to see some filming and editing like this in that upcoming Cons video. One can dream, right?
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Nick Ferro, AKA Buggy Talls, is starting to make quite a name for himself beyond Bronze edits, and his new part for Grand Collection has quite a few surprises in it. Keep an eye out for a few truly heartwarming tricks from Static alumni Kevin Tierney, as well.
Michael Mackrodt came through with another episode of "Fishing Lines", this time taking a trip down the Trans Siberian Railway. Between this episode, Tunisia, Paris, West Africa, Bangkok, and New York City, it seems like Mackrodt only has a few more continents left to conquer before checking them all off the list.
Speaking of Africa, Jenkem came through with a solid interview + video part with Yann Horowitz, an openly gay skater from South Africa. Speaking of interviews, Quartersnacks interviewed the mastermind behind Skhateyou.com.
On a somber note, R.I.P. CJ Tambornino. I never had the chance to meet him, but I know quite a few people from the Minnesota area who grew up with him and always spoke very highly of him. Village Psychic has a proper eulogy up on their page, and the Tambornino family set up a GoFundMe for anyone who wants to help cover their expenses.
Finally, after last week's appearance on The Bunt, and this week's appearance on The Nine Club, it seems like a Brian Wenning comeback is in the cards. We're looking forward to whatever may come of these developments; until then, we leave you with a legendary Alien Workshop re-edit by Quartersnacks with skating from the turn of the century.
Hope everyone enjoys their holiday. Stay safe out there.
-Andrew Murrell