Hot Plate Interview and Brandon Knowles Full Part

You connected a lot of underground skate crews in this video from Threads to Far East Skate Network, Note Skate Shop in Manchester, TOA and even the infamous Westside, how did some of these connections come to be?

I was down to link with Dom so Creasy mailed me a hi8 camera and we got to it! Dom was on holiday with a heavy crew from Stoke and Manchester so everyday we linked we had a heavy English crew! It was incredible getting out with him, Jethro Coldwell, Reuben, Ceej, and the rest of the guys representing Note Skateshop, Stoke, and the Manchester scene. After Dom Flew back home, Jethro and the guys stayed in the States for a bit so Jethro and I were able to skate enough together to stack up a nice grip of footage that formulated into his Hot Plate Part!
Jethro's part hosted on Vague Mag
After everyone flew out, I began working with Josh Stewart filming with a bunch of the guys riding for companies under the TOA umbrella. Around that time, I became pretty good friends with Colin Read and was able to help him with filming some of the guys during the tail end of the Spirit Quest era. I was at an all-time high at this point working with Josh and going on missions with Colin. It was incredible to be able to contribute to Spirit Quest and TOA projects. I look up to these dudes and to be able to call them and shoot the shit or in Josh’s case email or text is awesome. Thank you both for everything!
I was a big fan of FESN & Morita a while before moving to New York and I remember mailing him copies my prior projects Jive & Feed Your Head in 2014. He was visiting NYC for a two-week span back in 2015 so we had to link up! We met at LES skatepark to warm up then skated around The Lower East Side filming at various places. Within the 6-8 hours we skated we were able to stack enough footage to put together a nice section in the video combined with footage filmed in Japan by Shigeta Iha.

As far as the Westside connect you must be referring to James Coleman & Jimmy Lannon? James & I have been good friends for close to 10 years now. (If not longer haha) We met in MIA long ago, reconnected in Fort Myers a few times, stayed in touch while I lived in Kentucky and he lived in SF, and then in 2014 reconnected and started skating and filming heavily. He is the greatest. As with Jimmy, who is another one of my best friends, we connected in Gainesville back in 2014 and have been skating / chilling / filming together ever since. It has been really cool lately getting together with Jimmy & his son JT with my Daughter Eden. They are a year apart & incredibly hyped when together haha. Josh Miller is like a brother and someone I have been skating with the longest. He will be a part of every project I put out. He has saved my life and has been a solid friend. We go way back and grew up in the same neighborhood together in San Carlos Park Florida.

Mike Lent was one of the first US dudes I would get out with while in NYC and is such a dope human! Him and all of the Long Island guys are cool as hell and Logan Lewis & the rest of the Chattanooga guys have a special spot in my heart too. Love all those dudes! Be sure to peep the Threads section in Hot Plate!
The skate scene in Ft. Myers has a rich history but appears to be having somewhat of a resurgence, what’s up with that new TF you guys have going down there called The Madhouse? Also stoked to see you started a monthly pop-up skate shop / webstore to help fill the void left by the loss of Brotherhood skate shop which was pillar in the scene for many years.
A few years back the city turned our only local skate park into a huge sand pit for volleyball. It was such a sad sight to see. A Couple years after that happened a group of us formed and started chipping in for a warehouse space, The Madhouse was born. Pat Jones, Grant, Rob Hoovis, Josh Miller, Alex Neuhauser, myself and a handful of other guys have really spearheaded this mission to provide a place for us to skate & host public events. (Pre Covid-19) As far as the monthly pop up / web store,, it is really just a passion project right now. When I can I try to stock all of brands available through TOA and a few other small homie brands. All the brands available are from friends companies that I know pretty well. It’s a small shop but when I am able to I try and stock goods for the local scene.