Across the River

Did you love Static VI, but wish John’s part had more of a Wes Anderson vibe? It’s your lucky day: Vague is hosting an alternate edit of his part that was the last to hit the cutting room floor.
Aaron, we know you’re killing it in Portland, but we miss you. Please come back to New York City soon.
Magenta uploaded their 2013 classic, SOLEIL LEVANT, in high quality for the first time. After ten full years, we think it’s safe to call this one a classic.
Rob Taro’s TIMESCAN 2, a soon-to-be-classic, is now online in full. Read a little more about how Rob juggled over 50 skaters and filmed a full length entirely in Japan on Jenkem.
Smell The River is Cole Navin’s follow-up to 2021’s Leap Year. More Portland, lots of Aidan Olmstead, definitely worth your time.