A Dollar Short
A bunch of great shit came in just after last week's deadline, so if you still haven't seen the Sabotage 5 trailer, the Lovesick Skateboards promo, or dug into Realm, the newest Deep Dish release out of Chicago, what are you waiting for? A formal invitation?
Pass~Port paid farewell to their VX with a substantial footage dump, capped with an all-too-appropriate sendoff to their loyal friend.

The Nine Club is slipping on their guest game. Luckily, 500 Fahrenheit is picking up the slack. Their recent interview with Colin Read is so good, it needed to be split up into two parts.
Well, it happened. PJ Ladd finally filmed a part, and we even got a few words out of Frozen in Carbonite in the process. Is there anything else we, as skateboarders, can collectively complain about now that PJ's reached an acceptable level of productivity ? Maybe the Palace video?
UPDATE: Call me a prophet. No sooner than I published this one than Palace dropped "The Merchandise", a fifteen minute promo with a mini Lucas Puig section towards the end.
Are "summer trip to Copenhagen" clips simply an updated version of "summer trip to New York City" clips, intended to highlight the elite strata of skateboarders? Doesn't matter either way, since Frog purportedly went to China.
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Our hearts are with you, Barcelona.
-Andrew Murrell