"The Messengers: Owls, Synchronicity, and the UFO Abductee" by Mike Clelland

Aside from the overwhelming desire to just figure out what the hell is happening with the UFO phenomenon, it's also rad to have a subject matter that can still make the hair on the back of your neck stand on end. And with all of our senses being constantly overwhelmed by technology from all angles, I find it more and more rare to really have an exciting, spooky experience these days. So when I stumbled across a few stories that not only involved graphic and bizarre UFO encounters but also mixed with terrifically creepy late night experiences with owls, I was intrigued to say the least. So I hunted down the source of these stories and was led to a new book by first time author Mike Clelland.
Mike Clelland became interested in this subject as a result of a strange personal experience. An experience that, at first seemed incredible, but didn't really sink in until he had the EXACT same strange experience a few days later. This all centered around a weird interaction with a group of owls. That's right, owls. This sparked Mike to start a blog about his experience and he soon was overwhelmed with readers leaving comments about having very similar experiences to his. Eventually, Mike began investigating the issue deeper and collecting first-hand accounts of other experiencers, and the stories he started to hear went beyond the bizarre and into the truly weird.
A young man named Joe was driving his 4 friends home one night when he and his friend Dave, in the passenger seat, saw a brilliant blue light descending in the sky. Both Joe and Dave were speechless until after they had lost sight of it beyond the tree line. After the shock wore off, they told the three people in the back seats what they had just seen. They were traveling about 55 mph when a white owl flew right up alongside their car with it's head turned, staring directly at the passengers. This owl was flying right next to the passenger window, close enough that Dave could have reached out and touched it. The owl hovered there for about five seconds and then flew off. Then, less than a mile down the road, another white owl did the exact same thing--again staring sideways while flying right next to the car staring in Dave's window. Suddenly everyone in the car began screaming, as if they were all feeling the same primal fear.
The types of experiences related between the pages of The Messengers range from the mundane to horrifically creepy. But one thing that is for sure, is that they were very real to the people who experienced them. Some of them never even realized that the incident was strange at all until the re-tell their story to Mike. And as Mike digs deeper and collects more and more stories another pattern becomes strongly consistent with nearly every person he interviews....they have also had some sort of sighting or contact with UFO's or what they believed to be extraterrestrials. And a lot of the stories seem to overlap, enough of which that Mike makes a pretty obvious conclusion that there is a connection between the two.
Corina Saebels was heading home with her family, driving slowly, and at a sharp bend, right in the beam of the headlights, they saw what she can only describe as a typical gray alien standing on the side of the road. "I slammed on the brakes in the middle of the road and screamed. The children and I began to shake uncrontrollably, but oddly Rob (her husband) just calmly turned to me and said 'What are you guys so worried about? It's only a big owl!"
One of the most consistent issues that pops up with this topic is the idea of a "screen memory". (Hence the name of the Alien Workshop video "Memory Screen) The idea is that when aliens are interacting with humans they somehow are influencing people to see something other than a scary alien being, in order to keep them calm through the experience. And it seems that the most common 'screen memory' people remember after such an experience, is that of seeing strange 3-4 foot tall owls. In an interview with the author of possibly the most famous alien abduction story ever "Communion", Whitley Strieber explained that long before he started having abduction experiences "There was a white owl that used to stand in our back yard and watch the windows of my bedroom when I was a child. It made my folks nervous. This was during the time that they started nailing the screens shut". Something really creepy seemed to be going on here. But the further The Messengers goes on the more we discover that there are a multitude of owl experiences that are clearly not screen memories, but real, actual owls that are interacting with people. There are many people who tell stories about an owl that would follow them around town for several weeks or even months. They'd stay out in the front yard, on a light post or in a tree, and then would follow these people around town as they ran errands. Never interacting with them directly, but seemingly keeping an eye on them at all times of the day.
Clelland investigates every possible theory and scenario that could help explain what is going on here. Covering topics of shamanism to mythology, from the story of the mothman to the symbolism of the owl at Bohemian Grove. It's a really extensive journey and it is filled with an endless trove of incredible stories that mostly sound far too bizarre to have been made up. I highly recommend this book to skeptics and UFOlogy fans alike. It is endlessly entertaining, even if you don't end up believing that there is something of substance happening here.
Perhaps I should close with my own little story. Obviously, it can't come anywhere near matching the level of intensity that some of the stories in the book convey, but it's strange nonetheless. I read about this book last December and told my mother about it one day. And then a few weeks later I was back in Florida for the holidays and, surprise, I opened up one of my presents on Christmas morning and found she had gotten the book for me. I started to read it that very same night. The next day I spent running errands around town with my girlfriend and we pulled back up to my mom's house just after the sun had set. As we climbed out of the car I happened to look up at the power lines running behind my mom's house and there sat a tiny little screech owl. It sat motionless staring straight into my mom's back window. We tried to tread lightly to not scare it away and just watched him for several minutes. Then we crept around to get a look at him from the front and for a split second our view of him was obscured by some tall standing bamboo. As our view cleared again he was gone. We never saw him fly off. He had just disappeared that quickly. Now, this is most likely just a coincidence, but I probably haven't seen an owl in the wild in at least a decade. But the day after I started reading a book about the owl and it's connections to UFO's, aliens and synchronicities, here I was catching at a tiny owl staring intently into my mother's back window. Very. Wild. Stuff.
Thanks for reading and if you happen to read this book please let us know in the comments section one day. I'd love to hear your opinions and reviews.
Take care,
-Josh Stewart
I would love to talk to Mike Clelland, as I have some odd antidotes of my own, eventually culminating in a strange multi owl experience.
I don’t know whether these accounts would interest him, but perhaps would be cathartic with me.
Josh, it could be, that you had owl on your mind.
For example, ever buy a new model of car, and you notice how often you see them, when you never noticed before you owned the car,
On the other hand, I wouldn’t be surprised if these owls were alien drones, or real owls under their control, either by transplant, or telepathy.
Good stuff, thanks 9 club.
Ironic , but years ago I was driving with my older son telling him about an owl my husband & I saw one day driving sitting low by a highway. As I was telling my son this an owl flew out of the woods and flew along side with our car looking at us ! Fortunately we haven’t seen any aliens !!
This freaked me out because I used to dream about a white barn owl perched on a tree and it would stare into my room and it was so scary for me
Very interesting and helpful! I had an owl right outside of my cabin all night in Halloween. It felt very much like it was watching me and engaged, I was alarmed even. I’ll have to check out the book but your review was great. 👍
What have you been up to? I am fascinated about covid19. Can you talk about it? If the same thread is opened please redirect my post :). Thanks :).
PS: I don’t know any people with covid and you? rambo :D
I have a similar story. When I was young and we were visiting friends of our family. I was sleeping in the basement that had a slide door into the back yard. I couldn’t sleep and then there it was a white owl. We were there for 2 weeks and it kept showing up. No one believed me. Even5being the child I was I tried to catch this owl. O thought how cool it would be to see it up close. I tried for a solid week. One night as I was sleeping by myself in the basement the door opened from upstairs. And darkness flooded the room when suddenly appeared 7-9 beings. Half animal, half human. Like deities. I tried to scream but I could not. The next morning the owl was gone. It was so vivid and now I have a mark on my shoulder that looks like a birth mark. I did not have a birthmark before that night. Needless to say the 4th Kind scared the ever living crap out of me.
Thank you very much for the invitation :). Best wishes.
PS: How are you? I am from France :)
Never heard of this phenomena before. I found this page because tonight I was on the couch in my fairly dim lit lounge, and terrifyingly a figure seemingly a grey popped into my vision and dissapeared as I gasped.
I’ve never had anything like this happen. I was wide awake watching a video. And the figure was just off direct view, not well out in peripherals.
Once i calmed down, I googled “grey alien appear inront of me” , thats it, this page came up and i couldn’t believe it.
Less than an hour before this happened, I was on my back porch having a cigarette and there was a tawny owl (im in tasmania) sitting on my side fence looking at me. He was not afraid of me from a distance or my dog that was wandeing around the yard.
This is the second time in a month the owl has been in my backyard. I’m 28 years old and its the only owl ive ever seen in person.
In related notes, I’ve battled with pretty infrequent but extremely realistic sleep paralysis.
Always in bed and always a dark threatening figure. Running through the house and barging into my bedroom, standing from a distance or slowly emerging from side of the bed.
Also one other wide awake “encounter” was one morning about 4am driving home from work (finished early, usually its 6am) i saw what appeared to be two stars dancing with each other, like circling each other and flying away from each other then zooming back and orbiting eachother. I pulled over to observe it continue for quite some time till I decided to keep driving.
Thanks for the post, its somewhat relieving reading some of these comments too.
the gray alien in my dream. I cant remember what led up to this in my dream, but i remember i was in my bedroom and the back half of the room was missing, like walls wgere kind of fractured off. On tge other side of where a wall would normally be, there was a gray alien looking me in the eyes looking through my soul and imbued me with terror that stretched back through my head zooming through me. I woke up and immediately started to scream. It was like 2 am or something. I walked/left my backgouse bedroom to go sleep in the main house. As i exited the room, i giant white owl swooped over my head and scar soed the shit out of me again. then a night or 2 later i was sleeping inside the main house because of the horrors. I had made a recording on my phone of that Beatles song i learned ‘a day in the life’ ya know ’ i read the news today oh boy’ …that one. I learned it and played it on guitar and recorder it. That night my phone was dying so i plugged it in across the room from the couch i was sleeping on. I had a sort of bad dream that this black substance was filling up our house and there was no stopping it, i was awoken during this strange dream by my phone coming on all by itself, singing back to me my recording. For no apparent reason my phone started playing my audio recording which brought me out of that awful dream. All of this started with tge dream of a gray alien and the terror it produced, along with the mysterious white owl
Well, I haven’t read or heard anything about this before but here I am doing some research. I had an intense dream last night involving a white owl and aliens. My wife had tried to wake me 3 times but I was paralyzed with fear. Everything in my dream was spot on with sleep paralysis and an alien encounter… great lol. I’m not spooked easily and night terrors NEVER bother me but this sure did.
As this is actually happening right now and has been for the laat6 hours. I was in my bedroom. I turned off my tv and it sounded like a tornado was heading to our house. It’s that typical freight train sound so I ran outside and nothing but it’s a cloudy day and foggy but I can hear the noise even louder..
May 2019 my husband came home from working second shift around 11:45 pm and he hears the same sound. We jump in the truck and go driving towards it. We live in the middle of no where. No homes or people around us for 10 miles. We cannot find the source. The next day an owl drives into his windshield killed it… He brought the owl home and forgot about it the next day sparking unnatural phenomen in our home. This is tuen on by themselves. Dogs constantly barking when nothing is there. One night I actually caught three photos after the dogs were barking into the living room one pic you see an alien and the next photo am owl and the next a shadow man standing in front of my bedroom door. it didn’t stop there a couple of days later an owl tried to fly into my truck and I barely missed it.
back to tonight as I’m driving out trying to find out what the sound is I pass a guy on an ATV with his son and I asked him if he can hear that noise as well. he responds that he can hear it I tell him about the owls and tell him all the stuff that happened to us last year we part ways he gets a mile up the road and then I’ll actually tries to fly into his ATV he turns around to come look for me and I’ve already turned around because I had an owl try to fly into my truck he finds me we stop. as he is standing there telling me about the owl that tried to fly into his ATV his son looks up and an owl flies into the tree that is in front of us and it just sits there and it watches us and stares at us unfortunately I couldn’t take a photo because it was so dark. Also I forgot to mention the first time that I met them on the road a couple of owls while I’m talking about owls flew over top of us and started flying towards where the sound is it’s almost 1030 pm right now and I can still hear the noise outside and I’ve done a couple of recordings and it’s just constant
Owls, I rescued one stunned by a car on the way from work.; I worked second shift 3pm to 12 pm Took this big owl home and tried to revive it: Out on the deck tried to feed it cold chicken it told me I only eat warm meat I catch. It fluffed it’s feathers. Stood up from lying on its ’s side. Looked me in the eye: said see ya!! Off it flew. Last December saw an Owl sit on a bird house just looking around asked it what it was doing? No answer! had any owl sit on my roof watching the other cords eat suet & walnuts. The owl then landed on the deck railing the other scattered & the owl landed on the deck to eat the walnuts. Walt in Longmeir had visitations; too. Spirit world is hard to define-/ have had old encounters with unseen & seen beings. Pray to Jesus Christ weAr lavender or white fir essential oil & Turquoise. Protections!! Our world is green with water we are stewards of this world. It’s our obligation to clean it up. Not all earth like places have abundance of good water!!
Oil & turquoise!!
same exact thing happened to me and freaked me out, because around the same time i was digging deep into conspiracy theories, mythology, ancient histories, magic, etc. I was literally hitting a backroad and in the middle of telling my friend about what i had learned of, and then a big ass white owl was in the road just staring. I felt it was a spy, and I found out that witches used owls to spy, etc. I think aliens are actually demons, and that some high power people work with demons so they can hold power in a mutually beneficial manner. The humans while feeding the entities people through abductions and blame being shifted to "aliens", hold ancient power and assistance from these unseen entities, providing them with knowledge and influence. IMO.
also at bohemian grove alot of prominent politicians gather yearly underneath a huge statue of Moloch the Owl God and perform a "mock sacrifice". I think alot of the high power people are in communion with these entities and perhaps UFOs are a way for them to abduct people for sacrifices while the entire public just blames aliens. Could be high status people working with demons. Kind of like in the matrix where that one guy is promised riches and fame if he sacrificed his fellow man.
thats sketchy, as a child I was visited by a "ghost", it was like a fog shifting in the air to form something like a what you said "an orb" with a face. Just two large black eyes and an odd small mouth, creeping closer to me. I yelled and my father woke up and hit the lights and it was gone. I told myself to never forget that night, somethings are in this world we dont understand.
Wow, Dakota, that’s incredible! It’s one thing to read about these synchronicities but to actually experience them is a whole other thing entirely. Thanks for writing in!
Damn, Cass, that’s so sick. It’s crazy because I want to have an experience like that but then I also kinda don’t because who knows what’s actually going on there. It’s amazing how many people have these kinds of stories though. And dude, we are stoked on your comment, not too long at all.
There are so many stories like this. So bizarre and the crossover of UFO stories with weird owl stories is so common that it begs the question of how they are related. Very interesting. Thanks so much for the comment!