"Assinaturas 2" Video From Brazil

We always like to help showcase underground skateboarding and videomakers from around the world, especially when they're under the radar and lesser known. We recently heard from a skater/artist in Brazil named Josimar Freire who shared his latest video part showcasing his skating and art and we thought it was a cool glimpse into a skater we've never seen before.
The video is called "Assinaturas 2", which means "Signatures" in English and here's what he had to say about it...."Signatures" is our local slang for wall tricks, due to the lack of more conventional spots, this style of skateboarding represents very much the aesthetics of our city, located in the interior of the state of Minas Gerais."
So check out a rad one-man project out of a little known area of Brazil and let us know what you think in the comments.