
Was just thinking last week about how great all of Max Murphy’s clips on Instagram are and how much I’d like to see a new proper part when “Kick Rocks” popped up in my YouTube feed. As usual, it doesn’t disappoint. (He also skates to one of the best Pavement songs.)
David Rind’s twin flames is a half-Long Island, half-NYC VX video with a handful of familiar faces (Devin Sweat) and some new faces to watch out for (Will See and that switch frontside flip). It also has the distinction of likely being the only video with clips from both the OG Brownsville Banks and the gentrified version.
Jenkem chatted with Kenny Reed about the iPath reboot. I’ve seen a few pairs of Cats out in the wild lately, better grab yourself a pair quick if you wanna seem like a trendsetter and not a follower!
The newest, predictably-excellent episode of Jante follows the group through Marseilles, though Axel Berggren does the following in one memorable line.
And finally, Jeff Cecere put together a heartfelt tribute for our fallen friend Max Marfucci.