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Every generation gets their own 5Boro video (and their own Jimmy McDonald part), and 5Ball is a top-tier addition to the brand’s legacy – in no small part thanks to Neil Herrick’s amazing ender.
Meanwhile, 5Boro (and Static VI) alum Jordan Trahan has some choice clips in the Humidity x Thrasher vid that dropped this week. I love the way New Orleans looks on film, and I love to shop videos that include everyone in the scene, not just the famous skaters.
One of the great American ledge skaters at the last great American ledge spot, featuring a few key members of the extended Last of the Mohicans universe.
Pass~Port and Hoddle go BEEF TO REEF for a weeklong trip, spanning Mount Isa to Magnetic Island. Tough to beat a video where you’re guaranteed spots no one’s ever skated before.
Salvatore (not “Tore”) Bevivino has a new part out for Sabotage, with some uncommon grind combos and three different approaches to a banked corner spot.
Japanese shoe brand AREth has been killing it with shorter edits the last few months. The latest one, Tension, has lots of amazing bank spots and a grip of Ty Beall footage.